I grew up in a poor family in the town of Coya, near Rancagua, Chile. My family couldn’t afford to send me to college which made me incredibly sad because I thought that only people who were educated could succeed in life.

I got married and had three children but when my marriage ended, I had to provide for my children alone. My first job was in the canteen of a construction company in the mountains, where working conditions were basic and dangerous, and I was paid only a low monthly salary. I went on to work in a few more similar roles until I heard about Sodexo.
When I joined Sodexo nine years ago, my dreams came true. I now work as ‘Catering Assistant’ in the dining room of a mining contract located in Rancagua. My work environment is safe, my colleagues have become my second family and I’ve been able to study for the university education I've wanted for so long.
With my salary I’ve not only been able to pay for my children’s education but also to take my family on vacation as well as to save money to extend my house.
I’m now training to be a cook and feel incredibly positive about the future.
Listen to my daughter tell my story in this video: