The benefits of being a registered shareholder

Benefits of being a registered shareholder
Download the guide for Registered Shareholders
Registered Sodexo shareholders are entitled to:
- double voting rights for registered shares held for at least four years;
- a dividend premium of 10% for registered shares held for at least four years (the number of shares eligible for this dividend premium may not exceed 0.5% of the share capital for any single shareholder);
- automatic invitation to Shareholders’ Meetings and personalized information on all financial transactions (capital increases, bond issues, etc.);
- an exemption from administration costs (for directly-registered shares only).
Sodexo share codes
Sodexo bearer shares are traded under the code FR0000121220.
The code for registered shares already eligible for the dividend premium is FR0011532431. Different share codes have been introduced for registered shares in order to reflect the period in which the shares were acquired and to determine eligibility for the dividend premium.
The use of different codes does not affect the tradability of the shares. When selling shares, it is advisable to sell the most recently acquired first in order to maintain the dividend premium rights on the highest number of remaining shares.
For an accessible version of this chart, see page 281 of the interactive Universal Registration Document.
How to transfer Sodexo shares
To transform your Sodexo shares into registered and managed shares, simply send a written request to your financial intermediary. In order to facilitate this procedure, you may download the form.
Your financial intermediary will then take the appropriate steps with Société Générale. Once Société Générale receives and acknowledges your application, the shareholding unit will send you a registration note and will become your sole point of contact in respect of the shares involved.
Investor relations policy
To respond more effectively to the expectations of individual and institutional shareholders, Sodexo is continuously improving its investor relations programs by developing new information channels and organizing regular meetings with shareholders.
Group's investor relations policy is based on 4 core principles
Equal treatment
All financial press releases are issued simultaneously in real time to all our stakeholders, in both French and English.
Regular reporting
The financial community is notified of the financial information timetable a year in advance, and updates are posted on
Live webcasts of the General Shareholders' Meeting and annual earnings presentations are broadcast via live webcast and maintained on the website. Releases of interim earnings and quarterly revenue figures (first and third quarter) are accompanied by conference calls to give the financial community rapid access to the information and an opportunity to question senior management about performance. These conference calls are simultaneously broadcast over the internet as an “audio webcast” and are maintained on Sodexo's website.
A broad range of corporate information, including the by-laws, Registration Document, Annual Report, Half Year Report, press releases, the Group Presentation and share price trends, is available on this website.
Sodexo also offers the financial community a comprehensive package of dedicated, interactive communication channels. Financial press releases are issued via print media and email in France and around the world.