Sodexo: Communication of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Sodexo, at their meeting of 29 November 2013, appointed Sophie Bellon Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, in order that she succeeds Pierre Bellon, Chairman and Founder of Sodexo, as Chairman of the Board of Directors in two years. This decision will be submitted to the approval of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on Tuesday 19 January 2016.

The Board of Directors in agreement with Sodexo CEO has given Sophie Bellon responsibility for the Group’s research, development and innovation strategy with a specific focus on Quality of Life.

A graduate of EDHEC, Sophie Bellon began her career in 1985, first in finance and then in the fashion industry. She became a member of the Board of Directors of Sodexo in 1989. After close to 10 years in the U.S., Sophie Bellon joined Sodexo in 1994 where she has held different functions: Project Manager in the finance department, Director of Strategic Control, Group Director of Client Relations, Managing Director for Sodexo’s Corporate segment in France.

Through her different functions, she has developed an extensive knowledge of the Group, its clients and its teams. She has participated in the company’s iconic stages of growth including the Group’s expansion in the United States and the deployment of the global offer of Quality of Life services.

Co-chair of SWIFt (Sodexo Women's International Forum for Talent), an initiative to increase the representation of women in Sodexo’s decision-making bodies, Sophie Bellon has a strong commitment to diversity.