Sodexo: Solid Revenue and Profit growth in Fiscal 2012

At the November 6, 2012 Board of Directors meeting chaired by Pierre Bellon, Michel Landel, Chief Executive Officer, presented the performance for Fiscal 2012.

  • Solid financial performance
    • Revenues up + 13.6, including + 6.5 organic growth
    • Operating profit up + 15.4 or + 13.6 excluding currency effects
    • Increase in Group net income: + 16.4
    • Proposed dividend of 1.59 euro per share, + 8.9
    • Net cash provided by operating activities: Exceeding one billion euro
  • Relevance of strategic choices
    • Investment in human resources and high potential markets
    • Organic growth in facilities management services, three times that of foodservices
  • Medium-term objectives confirmed
"These results confirm Sodexo’s very good financial performance in an ever more difficult environment."
 "Our positive growth momentum is being driven by our leadership in emerging markets, that have strong potential for growth and which now represent 20 of our revenues. Our contract wins demonstrate the attractiveness of the Sodexo brand, recognized for its Quality of Life services offer. For more than two years, our facilities management services have been growing three times faster than foodservices.
Operational efficiency and cost reduction continue to be our priority. We remain confident in the Group’s strengths and are maintaining our medium-term objectives."
Michel LandelSodexo CEO

Analysts briefing
Sodexo will hold a briefing today at 9:00 a.m. at the Capital 8 Conference Center (32, rue Monceau, Paris 8ème) to comment on the Fiscal 2012 results. The briefing also can be accessed via webcast.

To read the full text, please download the press release below.